It's not the obstacle; it's the response - An Abe Lincoln Story


The governor of one of the Union states during the Civil War was well known (and feared) for his towering rages - especially if he thought he or his state were being insulted in some form or another. One day he appeared at the White House in a rage about the War Department and demanded to see President Lincoln.

One of Lincoln's friends asked him about it the next day. “I suppose you found it necessary to make large concessions to him, as he returned from you perfectly satisfied."

Oh, no,” the President replied, “I didn't concede a thing. I handled it like a farmer I knew back in Illinois got rid of a big log that was too big to haul out, too knotty to split, and too wet and soggy to burn.

In response to the inquiries of his neighbors one Sunday, as to how he got rid of it, he said: ‘Well, now, boys, if you won’t divulge the secret, I’ll tell you how I got rid of it—I plowed around it.’

Now,” remarked Lincoln, in conclusion, “don’t tell anybody, but that’s the way I got rid of the governor. I plowed all round him - but it took me three mortal hours to do it, and I was afraid every minute he’d see what I was at!”

Good advice. 

This was another tale from Abraham Lincoln, storyteller.



Here are some of Abe's most popular stories!